
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Be the Exception and Not the Rule!

In recent times I have been hearing people call me a reoccurring word.  And that is an overachiever.  I find it funny because I never thought of it that way.  I just thought of it as life.  I thought of it as me having a calling and being passionate about something and pursuing it.  Is that wrong? Or is that what we are supposed to be doing?

Let me explain what I mean by that statement. When we were created and put on this Earth, there were certain gifts, desires, passions, and callings.  When those gifts, desires, passions, and callings are screaming at you so loud that you have no choice but to pursue them, I don’t call that over achieving, I call that living.

One thing that I cannot stand are those people on the Earth that wonder around aimless, partying all the times, lolly gagging all the time, and not thinking that there is a bigger purpose to their life then what they were doing. 

The fact of the matter is that most people will come to the realization that they have a calling in life.  The down side is they come to that conclusion many times too late in life.  When they have too many responsibilities and too little time to try to pursue the things that were called for. Either that, or people become lazy and people feel like things should be handed to them.  By then they think, if their calling requires too much work they just give up and go for what is fun. Sadly,  the end result is a meaningless life in which you have not done or accomplished anything much.

Yesterday, someone asked me if I thought that I was taking on too much.  My answer, is no.  I know where I want to be in life and I know what I want.  I am willing to put in the work to achieve these things and I am willing to push myself to the limit to achieve these things no matter what. Because I know with hard work comes a reward.

A lot of people have an issue with what I am saying.  A lot of people have an issue with pushing themselves to the limit.  But if you don’t push yourself, you will never know how high you can fly.  You will settle for flying at the height of a sparrow, when you were meant to soar as high as an eagle.  How can you learn to fly if you don’t strengthen your wings and build up your stamina.  The only way that this can happen is to push yourself…..and hard!  Each time you push, you will find that you get stronger and stronger and as you get stronger you go higher and higher. 

So instead flying under the radar being satisfied with just being average or mediocre.  I dare you to break every expectation that people have of you and be an overachiever.  I dare you to be the exception and not the rule.

Everyday when you wake up make list of things that you need to do that day in order for you to feel successful.  And then get her DONE!!!  I make a practice of doing this every day.  And when I finish all that is on my list it is the best thing in the world.  This way you know you are making progress everyday toward your goal.  If you make a practice of this, before you know it you will reach your goal in no time.  And do not make your goals small and insignificant.  Make them hard to reach, so that when reach them you feel like you have actually accomplished something. 

So visualized, figure out what your dream is, and accomplish it.  Reach the highest and baddest dream that you can fathom and go for it.  Maybe you will get there and maybe you won’t, but at least you tried.  At least you attempted to be and do something better.  Which is what you should be doing anyway, because that was God created you.  You were created in God’s image, so what in the world is impossible to you.

In case you missed it, I am a author.  I have a book which is my exception not the rule.  Click on the book tab to check out my book and for more information.  Read the first two chapters free through Amazon.

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