
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

God, I'm Lonely!

So many people do not understand that their relationship with God is the best relationship that you can ever have. And that if you have Him then you are never lonely.   Many people get upset because they feel like they do not have a boyfriend, girlfriend, or regular friends that they can turn to with all of their problems. Or when things hit the fan with these people, they fall into self pity claiming they have no one that is on their side.  My response to this, is very simple and it is something that I had to learn over time.

People will let you down.  I do not care how many friends you have or what relationships you are in, you cannot expect other people to be perfect.  There are so many people in this world that sit and cry day in and day out over the fact that they feel they have no one there for them.  There is a point in this ideology, and that is no one can be there for you the way that God is there for you.  No one can fill the void in your heart, the way God can fill the void in your heart.

So why are you out here chasing a man or women, looking for the perfect friend, or crying day in and day out and telling God that you are lonely? God will sometimes sit there silent not giving you the response that you want, because He is just waiting for you to come to one realization that is He (God) is the only real relationship that you need.

So when you feel that people are letting you down and no one can be what you want them to be, God is screaming to your spirit telling you that He is that person. God is justing putting you in the position of loneliness to make you realize this.  Some of us continually walk around in ignorance and self pity asking God why He is allowing other people to hurt you.

But the thing is, He is not allowing anything, you are.  People have free will and they are going to do whatever it is they want to do, but you cannot allow their shortcomings or downfalls affect your mood.  Because while you are at home on a Friday night complaining how no one loves you and how are you are all alone, God is just sitting there waiting for you to realize that He is there and not only does He want to talk to you, but He wants to be the friend, husband, or wife that you are looking for.

When I explain the way I have conversations with God, so many people find this mind blowing.  That is that I can talk to God about anything and that He in fact talks back to me.  Through everything that I do and everything that I am, I talk to God continually throughout the day to get His feedback on everything.

And guess what? He talks back to me to give me a perspective that only He can give.  So why are so many of us looking for other people to fulfill our loneliness?  Why are we are looking for things that can only be fulfilled through God?  Often times we get so upset about what other people have done or are doing to or for us.  Do you not know who your father is?  Do you not understand that He is perfect and has a perfect perspective and will tell you anything you need to know provided that He can trust you with the information.

Prayer does not have to be some formal ritual that is only said before meals and bed.  It is simple conversation with God.  He loves when you tell Him your frustrations, your shortcomings, your expectations, and how you feel you have failed.  He loves to hear all the things that you cannot tell other people.  After all, He knows everything that is in your heart..  He is so tired of you trying to hide it from him and claiming that you are alone when in fact He has and never will leave you or forsake you.  So many of us have such a detached perspective of God, that we do not understand that we are never alone.  No matter how alone we feel God is with us.  He wants us to talk to Him and more importantly, He wants to fix it.  He is not going to force Himself on us, He wants us to come to Him freely so that you can see who is God and that He is above and beyond any body that is here on Earth.  This is so that we can understand not to put our trust in people, but to put it in Him.  And through this trust knowledge you will have a peace that suppresses all understanding.  You can be single, alone, broke, hurt, crying, or dead on the inside.  But God is there and He wants to fix it. He just wants you to come to Him and give Him permission to fix it.

In closing, you are never alone.  God is always with you, He can be a boyfriend, father, mother, girlfriend, wife, husband, provider, lover, friend, all that you ever wanted.  Soon you will find that nothing in this world can disappoint you, because you know who you belong to, and that is God.  God is the king of kings and therefore as his child you are a rightful heir to his throne, and He can give you anything.  Just spend time with God.  Talk to Him and understand His will for you life.  Once you do, the things of the world will not upset you so much.  You will not feel lonely.  You will feel loved and complete though the one who knows you and ordained your existence.

If you haven’t already.  Please check out my book Waiting For A Man After God’s Own Heart.  It is not available through Amazon on paperback and e-book.  You can preview the first chapter free.   Check in the book tab for more information.

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