
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

God made You Unique

Here is a truth I have come to learn about myself.  I am weird.  This may sound crazy to you, but there was a time when I use to resent my weirdness.  I just could not understand why I was not like everyone else or better yet why I did not want to be like everyone else.   I could not understand why people could not be more like me and why people did not see things the way I saw things.

As I got older, my weirdness is something I learn to embrace.  I have a big sense of humor and I love sarcasm.  I love going around my home and dancing around for no apparent reason what so ever.  I love thinking and pondering about the random aspects of life, taking to God, and have my alone time.


I have never been the type that has gotten very attached to friends, because they had drama, too emotional, didn’t understand me, or I didn’t understand them and for me, this was okay.  But for others that wanted to be my friend they did not understand this aspect of my personality. 

I think I have some “boy” tendencies; I love playing video games and have a very non emotional response in relationships.  Now that I am 30, I can honestly say that I do not resent those things about myself, even though I may have to work on some of them in the future.

My new motto is “God made me unique, so why would I want to fit in with anyone else.” And it is true.  If God intended for every man or women to be the same then what would be the point.  The things that we see as faults, God does not see as faults.  He sees them as potential strengths.  It is up to us, to learn how to use what we perceive as our weakness as our strengths, does that make sense?

When I was younger, I was in the “in” crowd I guess you could say.  But I was never fully in the “in” crowd because of my perceived weirdness.  Since embracing my weirdness, I have gain more confidence.  I know what I want to do in life, I know where I want to go; and the other people that I knew from my past who just blended into the crowd.  Well it is sad to say, they still blend into the crowd.

This may sound mean, but the truth is that they were so busy fitting in and going along with the what others said to do, that they never had the chance to find out what made them unique and what they were meant to do.  God wants to use our uniqueness to use us for what we were called to do. 


Whatever our mission is in life is, God gave it to us and us only.  The reason why that is, is because He knows something that many people on this Earth miss. And this is, it takes someone with our unique gifts and abilities to complete the task God has given is, and no one else can do it.

There are so many great things that will never be accomplished because people are too afraid to explore what they are good at.  So instead, they stay in their little bubbles and watch life pass them by.

Do you know why the idea of a mid-life crisis is so significant in some people? It is because when some adults reach mid-life they realize their life is no where near where they want it to be, and they feel they have not achieved anything significant in their lives at their age.

They then go into this frenzy, in attempts to be young, to salvage the young life they have already lost. In this process they realize it is too late, which leads to more despair.

Isn’t that sad?  Not only is this sad, but do not let it be you.  Stop being afraid to be yourself or to be different.  Those are the things that are going to make you stand out, and standing out for being you is a good thing! It’s the standing out for trying to be someone else that is bad.  And this is what leads to people being depressed.  This is because they are always keeping up a façade, never have a chance to be themselves, causing them to lose a sense of themselves completely.  Make sense?


In closing dare to be different, dare to stand out, dare to be yourself, and do not be scared of that.  God made you the way you are, and as long as you are being the person God intended you to be, then your successful.

Believe it or not, I used to be a sheep in the field following the flock.  But through my life experiences I woke up and decided to be myself and live for myself and for God.  Read my book “Waiting For A Man After God’s Own Heart.” To find out how I came to be comfortable with myself through the life experiences that I went through.  Click on the book tab for more information including the book trailer.  Read the first two chapters free through Amazon.

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