
Friday, July 18, 2014

Will the Real Boaz Please Stand Up.

It amazes me how whenever you read the Bible that the content can remain true up until this day.  Whenever someone has a question about life or a relationship all they had to do is open up the Bible and get the answer that they seek (TWEET THIS).

I always say that one of my favorite books of the Bible is Ruth.  This is because I feel there are so many hidden messages in this book that we can all learn from.  How many times have women read about the character of Boaz and wish they had a man like that?

There are some Boaz that still exists, but if you are waiting for Boaz, then why are so many of us women settling for a counterfeit.

Let me explain some characteristics of Boaz versus the counterfeit.

Boaz- is the type of man that sees a woman he likes.  His way of proving it, is to see where she is need, make provisions for her, and help her in any way he can without expecting anything in return.

Counterfeit-  The counterfeit does nothing for you.  In fact you are lucky if you can even get him to take you out on a date.  The only thing the counterfeit wants to do is have sex with you or get you drunk and have sex with you.  If you do not want to engage in sex with the counterfeit, he makes you feel like your expectations are too high.

Boaz- The main reason why he respects Ruth is because she is a hard worker.  She has good values and has left her home land to take care of her mother and law.  She has found God and is willing to live a God centered life.

Counterfeit-  The counterfeit does like the woman because she works.  In fact he wants the woman take care of him with her hard earned money.  If he sees that the woman he wants believes in God, he too will fake the funk and pretend that he believes in God.  But as soon as the women tries to live in a Godly way (such as no sex before marriage or have morals), the counterfeit tries to convince her that her morals are outdated and tries to get to bend on what she believes.

Boaz-  He wants his woman to be respected.  When Ruth came to the threshing floor, he made her leave before the sun rose so that no one would think she had done anything inappropriate.

Counterfeit- Wants you to come over late into the night.  Has sex with you and kicks you out when he’s done.  He prefers that you do not spend the night.  If you do, then he is sure to wake you up early in the morning and will tell you to leave.

Boaz-  He is a man of his word.  Once he told Ruth he was going to do something he did not rest until it was done.

Counterfeit-  He is a liar.  He lies about any and everything, just because he can.

Boaz-  As well respected man among everyone.  A hard worker and is responsible with all that he owns.

Counterfeit-  Has no job, no car, and prefers to sit in his woman’s house all day using up everything she has worked hard for.

Now that you have a full painted picture do you see how the Boaz is different from the counterfeit?  How no matter how hard you try you simply cannot make a counterfeit into a Boaz?

Woman have become so accepting of these counterfeits, that now they mascaraed around as the real thing (TWEET THIS).  It is up to you women on what you accept in your life.  You have to be able to tell the real from the fake.  You must be able to turn away the counterfeits in order to get to your Boaz.  This may mean that like Ruth you have to go into the field, work hard, be focused on what you need for you and you household.  This may mean that your focus has to be taken off of a man.

But this is not a bad thing, all this simply means is that you are giving Boaz an opportunity to find you.  Not trying to find a random man and force these attributes on him.

Missional Women

Renewed Daily - Recommendation Saturday

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