
Friday, August 1, 2014

5 Online Dating Tips For The Single Parent.

As a single parent it is understandable that you do not want to be alone forever.  Many single parents want to get involved in a relationships but do not have the time to go out and find people to do it with, so you turn to online dating.

Nothing is wrong with online dating, in fact, there are several commercials on television to tell you how nothing is wrong with online dating and how people have met their next Mr. Or Mrs. Online.  To be fair and realistic, your  goal is to find a relationship online and not be on the next episode of  “Catfish.”  So here are the top five tips of how to date online for the single parent.

1. Keep Your Kids To Yourself

I know you want to share your kids to the whole world, but until you are sure about the one you are dating online it is best to keep them out of it.  This means do not send personal pictures of your kids to them, tell them where your kids go to school, where they are going to be, or their full names. With the way the world is going today you could be talking to a kidnapper or sex trade trafficker.  This may be extreme, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

2. Meet in a Public Place

Anytime you get ready to meet a date you met online it is a good idea not to tell them where you live and to not let them pick you up at your place for the first couple of dates.  There are a few reason for this.

First, your kids are there.  You never want someone to meet your kids too son.  In case the date does not work out the way you like and your kids meet them, it is going to lead to confusion for your kids. You do not want every online date you go out with to be a revolving door in and out of your house for your kids to see.

Secondly, like rule number one, with online dates you do not know what you are getting. You do not want someone you do not know to know where you live and have open access to your children. Therefore it is better to wait until after a few dates and you trust the person before telling them or showing them where you live.  Until then, always meet at a public place.

3. Do not Go to Their House

It may sound like I am being cautious but you should not go to their house on the first date.  There may be a torture chamber waiting for you and you may never be seen or heard from again.  Not only do you have to protect your children from people they don’t know but protect yourself from people you don’t know.

4. Get to Know Them Online

Once you meet someone online there is no big rush to meet them the next day.  You are allowed to take time to be able to converse with them through the chat, IM, email, and through the phone, in fact it is suggested.

One thing you do not want to do is meet internet date after internet date and be disappointed.  There are always things you can find out by simply getting to know the person that you are talking to, that can indicate they are not the one.  You can also save yourself alot of headache by finding out about the person your talking to before hand.  This way you can figure out if it is even worth getting to meet them in person.

5. Just Stay Calm

Even though you may want to be in a relationship now, you have to stay calm and remain objective.  If you are too pushy when you go online, you are bound to link up with someone that is not good for push the ones that are good for you away.

Therefore, be calm and be yourself. Get to know the person and allow them to get to know you. Find out if you really like each other before meeting up.

Online dating can be fun and rewarding, it can also be a complete and utter nightmare.  You have to be the determining factor to see which one you chose.  By following the above tips you can make your online dating experience a positive and safe one.

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