
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Is America Becoming Anti-Christian?

The separation between church and state is something that most Americans are rooting for.  But why?  When our country was not founded off the separation of church and state, in fact it was founded of basic Biblical principals.  Before this nation went on this crusade to have a God free nation, I feel like we had a lot less problems in this country.
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When you look at the idea of America.  Look at our money that says “In God we Trust.”  Our pledge of alliance that says “One nation under God.”  And in our court system when they use to place their hand on the Bible and give the famous quote that we all know “ I swear to tell the truth the whole truth so help me God.” Is now taboo, in the United States that we are living in.

I will not get into the whole passing of gay marriage or the recent agenda’s to get rid of the Christianity that our nation has been built on  The bigger picture is that we need to look at all of this and determine what in the world is going on here.  Christians are no longer being seen as good people but rather as intolerant crazy people who do not want to change with the times.

The last time I checked, God was the same now, then, and forever.  All the stuff that has gone on in the world and that is going on in the world today has been seen and predicted by God.  And guess what, as Christians we can chose to recognize what is going on and prepare for it, or let go of our senses and go with popular culture.

Image result for american anti christianWhen you look at the news with the shooting of a church.  And it all was soon forgotten as soon as the supreme court passed gay marriage.  What is going on in our world we we as people have become so fickle. Fox news reports that the 10 commandants are to be removed from the court building where it has been sitting and causing no one harm to anyone for all of this time.  What is the sudden urge to erase Christianity from our nation’s history, when it is our nations history.

In the United States we are screaming our freedom from the mountain tops, but where are the freedom for Christians.  And if we do not stay diligent and keep our eyes open, we will miss it all together.  I cannot tell you how many news reports I have seen that talk about the “Doomsday Christian” that speaks out about the end of the world every time something bad happens.  And they mock us as if believing in the Bible and being watchful as to what God tells us to be watchful is crazy.

But the end of the world is coming sooner or later.  And overtime we have become desensitized to the weirdness and wrongdoings of the world.  I do not care how progressive the world gets, it does not seem right to me that there are some people in the world that are half man and half woman.  They have gotten breast put on their body but still have a penis.  But for some reason or another, people being half male and half female has become completely normal, and to question this, means that we are unaccepting.  

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Have we ever stop to think about what God would think about all of this.  Are we so busy trying to be open and accepting to everyone that our morals are just becoming a circus.  And for me to even say this is unpopular I am sure.   Christian people that either are afraid to say that because of what other people may think, or Christians somehow feel that the word of God is outdated.

Either you believe that God’s word is true now, then, and forever or you think it is something that can be changed by man.  And if you think that it is something that can be changed by man then you mine as well say that you do not believe in God at all.  Because believing in God is understanding that God is all knowing, He created everything, knowing that He is unable to lie, and knowing that what God wants us and commands us to do is the truth.

I am going to tell you a little true story about myself.  At a job I was in, my supervisor was gay and she invited me to her wedding.  I chose not to go.  However, I did not hate her as a person, I just did not want to go to her wedding.  Just like if she did not want to come to my wedding I would have to accept that.  Well she did not accept it.  She knew I was a Christian and chose to openly persecute me for not wanting to go to her wedding.  For not believing in what she wanted me to believe in.  This was done on a smaller scale, but can you imagine that this type persecution are going to happen to Christians everywhere.  We are not going to be allowed to practice our beliefs and be left alone, but rather other people’s beliefs are going to be forced on us.  And if we refused to accept others people’s belief, then we are going to be seen as intolerant.

Now you may think I am going too far, but these things have already happened.  Christians have been sued because they did not want to make a gay couples wedding cake, a firefighter fired for openly praying with a man that was dying, a child in suspended from school for saying God bless you when a fellow class mate sneezed.  Is this freedom of religion why have so many Christians gotten in trouble for trying to verbalize their beliefs?  Just some food for through for you to digest in your system for the day.

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